Most of us know the sorry state of education funding whether we have kids in school or not. I live in IL where the budget is calling for a 17% cut in education spending. Our schools aren’t getting the money from the state like they are suppose to. I won’t find out if Will will get preschool from the public school (even though he qualifies for it with his speech delay) till the middle of August! Madison will be back into school most likely before I find out! Education is in a sorry state in the country.
Bing’s Teacher Appreciation Website helps teachers help themselves. Here’s how it works: a teacher can log onto the website to start a “classroom project” or donation request. Parents and students can then visit the Bing Teacher Appreciation site to leave a comment [up to 5 per visitor] about a teacher who has made a difference in their life, enabling them to receive a $5 giving code to [one per comment]. Parents and students can then apply the $5 giving code to the “classroom project” of their choice. Classroom projects are created by teachers, so reach out to your childrens’ teachers and encourage them to submit their own projects!
Madison and I embarked on doing this. The Bing site is super easy to use and $5 can add up quite quickly. As my children have learned, every little bit counts. I’ve also taught my children about giving back, so I let Madison choose what classroom project we were going to donate too. I was given a $100 giving code to use. is another awesome site (though I wish they would include private schools so my daughters school could benefit from this). There is a classroom project for everyone! Madison picked a classroom of kindergarteners like herself in Texas. We were able to get a science kit for a class of 22 students. What grabbed me was this statement in the description of the project: “Imagine a class full of little students walking around with a magnifying glass in the garden looking for bugs and looking for the grooves of a leaf.” That is Madison to a tee, so I am very happy to help fund this class!
Make sure you check out the Bing’s Teacher Appreciation Website and write about your favorite teacher and help some kids in the process!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Bing and a $100 giving code to facilitate my review. Mom Central also sent me a thank-you gift certificate.