Do you or your significant other like romance novels? If so, you definitely need to check out This site allows you to star in your own romance novel. There are 24 different novels you can pick from and you choose if you want a “mild” or a “wild” book. You can chose all sorts of setting including Tahiti, Rome, Alaska, Jamaica, Caribbean, and a ski resort just to name a few. You are able to choose if you want the book to be a softcover or a hardcover too. All you do is submit some information about yourself like your name, town you live in, closest airport, favorite color, where you work, eye and hair color, favorite music, and few more things (there are 26 questions). It is actually quite easy to fill out. The books average around 160 pages. The cover can even be personalized to your picture!
This is definitely a unique gift that keeps on giving. She won’t be expecting this on Christmas!