With summer officially here, how are you spending your summer vacation. As you can see from my many posts, we have already taken our first official summer vacation by driving to New York. (Yes, there will be several more posts to come from that trip!). We also do a lot of camping in the summer too. We tent camp, so that is always an adventure in itself. My inlaws have cleaned out their boat (which hadn’t been done in probably 10 years), so we may have some boating adventures this summer.
I remember being a kid and riding my uncle boat on the Fox River (in Wisconsin), and I’d love for my kids to have some of those same memories. Boating provides opportunities such as bonding experiences with your family without the distraction of technology. Discover Boating has a lot of interactive tools like the Boat Selector Tool, the
Cost Comparison Tool, a Just For Kids section, and even a Marina locator.
Did you know that eighty-three million Americans went boating in 2011? Will you be one of the millions in 2012?
I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Discover Boating and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.