I know, I know — some weeks I actually remember to do this. I love reading every else’s answers to the weekly questions too! As I was making my slow cooker beef stew, I decided that I think I am going to start a cooking blog (which these weekly questions would go great on)! But onto the questions:
#1. What is your favorite kind of juice to drink? Umm, not a big juice drinker here, so I’ll go with orange juice.
#2. Pizza. What’s your favorite? Pepperoni.
#3. Mustard. Yellow, brown, depends. I hate mustard.
#4. Share a side dish recipe that uses rice or pasta. I have to add this one later. My laptop that has all my recipes on it blew up and until I can get it working again, I have no access to any of my recipes. I am hoping to get this added to this shortly!
Want to join the Four Food On Friday? Check it out here.
Oh no! I hope you can get your laptop up & running soon. They seem more susceptible to blow ups than desktops. But, I wouldn't want to be without mine!
Thanks for playing! I hate mustard too.
You're entitled to an entry in the contest for playing, if you would like one just comment the contest post.
I hope you don't lose a bunch of stuff with your computer mishap like I did. I'm still trying to re-find all the stuff I lost. i discovered this afternoon that I can't do any photo editing, grrrrr!
Looking forward to a recipe from you when you get things back in order!
I hope you get your recipes back! I'm starting to collect recipes, and I think I'm going to go the hand-written route!