It’s been a rough couple of weeks out on mommy front on the internet. We’ve had two deaths of little ones that were taken way too soon. I was amazed at the amount of support that was given to both mommies, and I truly wish there was something I could do to make it right. I hate that helpless feeling.
That’s why when I came across Loretta’s post I knew I had to spring into action. See, her family has had a rough year. Her husband ended up off work and in the hospital due to a crazy infection. However, through it all, she’s never asked for anything. Even now when her son’s bike was stolen over Easter weekend. Yes, stolen. Now, she won’t ask for anything, but I will for her. I’ve linked to her post and if you notice at the end of it there is a little donation for buying her a movie. I would love to raise enough money for her to get another bike for her son. If you’ve got a little extra this month, please pass it forward and make her day.
i just can pray, that loretta will get money soon for her son
You are so naughty! I was very surprised to see 3 paypal donations today when I logged into my Paypal account to get money to pay the water bill. Naughty bloggers … but I love ya all 🙂 I'm hoping to have enough money saved up to get him a bike next week. Thank you guys for helping.
That's awesome that you posted this, Lisa, and that you donated! I think they went to get the new bike yesterday! 🙂