My sister’s best friend Brenda is a massage therapist. She is testing for her license in November. I have gotten massages from her, and she is great. When I came across, Are You a Massage Geek? I knew that this was a blog for her to check out. At some point, she wants to open her own massage business, and this is great place for her to begin her research. Will’s chiropractor is having me do some infant massage on him, and I would have loved to have take a course on it. I never know if what I am doing is really feeling good for him or not. Brenda is the one who actually told me I needed to see a chiropractor (I knew I should before, but I didn’t want to go). With the studying she has done, she knew that at least three vertebrates in my back were out of line (which explained the pins and needles I kept feeling in my hands and feet).
After reading this blog, I even have a better understanding of massage therapists. Like any business, there are so many things that you need to know and research about. This blog is a great one stop shop for those who are interested. I did not ever realize how much work and schooling is required to be a good massage therapist.