Be honest — how often do you take time out of your busy life for yourself? I am guessing that you are like me and take care of yourself last with the excuse that you don’t have time. If you agree, I have the book for you.
A Minute For Me is a collection of 60-second exercises that teach you what makes you tick, what you are excited about, and where your passion for life resides. Each excercise is about a page, so you can quickly read it and do it. There is also plenty of personal experiences in this book too. I love when you find someone else who feels like you do (that’s actually why I got into blogging).
A Minute For Me is a book on self discovery that forces you to take a little time out of each day for yourself. Since I have enjoyed this book, I have arranged for one of my lucky readers to get a copy of it for themselves. Here’s what you need to do:
I need to read this book because I admit that I don't take time out for myself. I'm always doing and caring for others and the end of the day I am just mentally and physically worn out
b/c you can refere to it quickly and keep going back to it whenever you need to!
I need this book because I'm a middle-aged woman looking for a new career path. I was laid off a few years ago & decided to be a stay at home mom for a while because I could. But, now financial circumstances require me to go back to work, but I just don't want to do what I was doing for 20+ years. I want to explore other things, but just not sure what to do to not only generate income, but make me happy.
I'm a mother of 3 and a wife, I have liitle time for myself even just to clear my mind. This book will help me remember I am important also.
i could use a little time to myself- i lead a face paced sometimes stressful life
I need to learn how to make time for me
I need this because I never seem to have me time. Thanks for the giveaway.
I don't feel like I ever take any time for myself. this could be a huge help
I need to learn to think of myself
vmkids3 at msn dot com