When was the last time you wanted to share a photo with your friends and family but were worried about the whole world seeing it? If you follow my personal blog, you will know that my family lives 4 hours away. I also have various friends and family spread throughout the country. In this day and age, I know that isn’t all the unique of a situation.
However, not everyone is as open as I am about sharing pictures of their kids. One of the big complaints about sites like Facebook is that they keep changing the rules, and you end up not being to control who is viewing pictures of your children. That is where Out My Window comes into play. With Out My Window, you can capture all your precious moments and easily delegate who gets to see them. You can easily use this on your laptop, desktop, and even can use Out My Window App on iTunes. The software itself so far has been pretty easy to use.
If you have family and friends you want to share pictures with securely, give Out My Window a try!
I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘outmywindow™.’