To commemorate the 10th anniversary of a cherished family classic, Disney proudly presents a special movie collection featuring two modern-day fairy tales, The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, for the first time ever on Blu-ray!
Starring Academy Award®-Winning Actress Julie Andrews (Best Actress, Mary Poppins, 1964) and Academy Award-Nominated Actress Anne Hathaway (Best Actress, Rachel Getting Married, 2008), these two heartwarming and hilarious movies will touch your heart. As the future queen of Genovia, Princess Mia has everything a girl could want – except the enchanting romance she’s always dreamed of. Comic complications rule the day in these delightfully engaging stories about finding out who you really are and discovering what it takes to make your dreams come true!
My daughter loves both these movies. She’s not a “princess” sort of girl, but these movies show her how fun being a princess can be. I like them because they show strong women characters and are truly a family film. Relive all the magic and excitement of these two beloved favorites on this 3-Disc Combo Pack, which includes a DVD of each film. Share the laughter and the love for the first time on Disney Blu-ray. This is in stores now!