Safees are pedestrian reflectors that shine brightly when hit by oncoming headlights, warning drivers that someone is in front of them and that they need to slow down and look around.
Most traffic accidents involving pedestrians happen at dusk or dark and in twilight, in fog or rain. The majority of accidents happen at road crossings, and most happen during normal daily activities such as children going to or from school, parents getting back from work or grandparents walking to babysit their grandkids.
The best way to wear a single Safees, if you plan on walking, is at knee height. Why? Because that is where the oncoming traffic’s headlights will be directed and thus that is where a lone Safees will do most good. Cyclists can wear Safees too. Preferably, place one on your back and one on the side that is towards traffic.
Without a reflector, walking on dark roads, cars can see you first when they are within 25-300 feet of you. At a speed even as low as 30 miles per hour they won’t have a chance to stop in time.
By wearing a high quality Safees reflector you increase your visibility from 300 to 700 percent. This means that by wearing a Safees a driver can see you over three times as far away. With a reflector you can be seen as far away as 950-1000 feet. Wearing a Safees will reduce your risk of being hit by traffic in the dark by many times.
The Safees we got are very cool. The kids really liked them, because there are so many Safees shapes you can get. The kids can also put the Safees on themselves which they like and I do too! I personally don’t think you can put a price on safety, and I’m game for anything that keeps my kids safer!
Since I think this a great product, I have arranged for 6 winners to get a Safees! Here’s what you need to do:
I like the city bear safees.
I love the Dino!
Dino safees
Love the Dino Safees
Cat! Or dog?