This giveaway is now over. The winner is Renee. Congrats!
As most moms, I’m ready for my kids to go back to school. It has been a long summer for most of us. However, did you know that nearly 22 million school days are lost each year due to the common cold? An even scarier statistic is that as many as 2.7 million bacteria are found per square inch on common school services. However, this school year, Seventh Generation is sharing tips from best-selling author and pediatrician, Dr. Alan Greene, to help parents protect their child´s health during back-to-school season. Dr. Greene suggests taking the following precautions:
Optimize the immune system
- Reap the benefits of probiotics like those found in yogurt. A recent study showed that children who received enough probiotics daily throughout the cold and flu season had a significant reduction in the number of illnesses they had and, when they did get sick, the symptoms were both milder and didn’t last as long.
- Be sure your child is getting plenty of vitamin D from the sun, from food, or from a supplement.
- Build a strong foundation. Good food, good sleep, and good physical activity all help the immune system to flourish.
Be wise about reducing unnecessary exposure to harmful germs
- Teach children the key times to clean their hands in the classroom. The most important times include after sneezing, coughing or using the restroom, upon leaving “high-risk” places (recess, naptime, play stations) and before meals or snacks.
- Sixty percent of teachers surveyed said that they request that parents donate disinfecting wipes to the classroom. Seventh Generation´s disinfecting wipes kill 99.99% of germs* naturally using the active ingredient thyme, a component of thyme oil which is derived from the herb thyme.
- Stress the importance of not touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Demonstrate to your children how to cover their mouth and nose for every cough and sneeze. This simple maneuver has spectacular results in decreasing the spread of viruses and bacteria floating about the room, waiting to be inhaled.
*Refer to disinfecting product labels for full details
You can also check out Seventh Generation on Facebook and Twitter today! Visit Seventh Generation on Facebook or Seventh Generation on Twitter and “Like” or “Follow” the brand to keep up with the latest news from Seventh Generation.
Since I am such a fan of Seventh Generation, I have arranged for one lucky reader to receive a Seventh Generation”Back-to-School” kit that includes a Seventh Generation backpack, two canisters of Seventh Generation disinfecting wipes, disinfecting multi-surface spray cleaner, facial tissue and paper towels. Here’s what you need to do:
Leave a comment and tell me your tips for keeping kids healthy and germ-free
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This contest will end August 31st at 11:59 pm CST! Good Luck!
I received a prize pack from Seventh Generation and Blogspark. I donated the entire prize pack to my daughter’s school.
We try to eat right, have enough fluids and wash frequently.
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I make sure my son always washes his hands after the bathroom and before we eat so he develops good habits
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we use alot of clorox to keep our house germ free
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Lots & lots of hand washing!
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I <3 Seventh Generation products! We don't start back to school until around the 7th of September, so I'm in no hurry right now (thank goodness!)
Germ minimization is crazy hard, especially that first week of school. One thing we stopped doing was having the boys carry their reusable water bottles in the side pouch of their backpack. I know that sounds crazy, right? But they did all sorts of germ testing and the reusable bottles were germier than the disposable ones because most kids (like mine) just refill the bottle instead of washing it …. and if they're carrying it in that outside elastic pocket that is designed to hold a water bottle then it's touching every.thing. from home to school and back again picking up all sorts of grossness. Yuck. Germs, blah!
Keep kids healthy: make them wash thier hands all the time..
My healthy tip is to wash hands immediately when getting home from anywhere to keep those germs out of the house!
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hey did all sorts of germ testing and the reusable bottles were germier than the disposable ones because most kids
I wipe the door handles and telephone down daily. One of my son's had meningitis and the other one had a serious staph infection. We try and stay clean.
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We wash our hands often and use hand sanitizer often.
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lots & lots of hand washing
I make sure my son takes a multivitamin each day and we avoid large crowds during flu season
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I make sure my daughter has a pack of antibacterial wipes & some hand sanitizer in her backpack
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