This giveaway is now over. The winners are valancia, Sharon Seneker, and Nanette Olson. Congrats!
Can you believe that the Olympics start in less than a week??!!?? Crazy, I know. Even crazier? It’s suppose to snow here in Chicago for the next three days. By the time it’s over, we may have a foot of snow. What’s the best thing to do when you have so much snow? Snowball Fights!!
Did you know that there is an International Federation of Snowball Throwing who would love to be part of the Olympics? Until recently, me either! If you think snowball throwing should be an official sport, please sign this petition! This is something that is definitely taking off that even Coca-Cola is 100 percent behind this mission!
Ok, enough with the silliness (though do check out the petition and leave a comment if you like a good snowball fight). I’ve arrange with the IFST and Coca-Cola a pretty cool giveaway. 3 of my lucky readers will win an official IFST t-shirt and a collector’s edition bottle set from the 2008 Beijing Olympics! Here’s what you need to do:
Head over to the IFST site and tell me something you learned (there is a whole post of Q&A about the sport. For example, you can find out how to keep your hands warm).
Each of these gives you one additional entry:
1. Twitter about this contest. Please leave me your username so I can verify. Or use something like this:
Win an official IFST t-shirt and a collector’s edition bottle from Coca-Cola and @blm03! Enter here:
2. Stumble this post and add this post to other social media sites like Digg, Kirtsy, Blogging Zoom, Reddit, Propeller, Etc. (1 entry for each social network).
3. If you sign the petition, let me know in the comments below and I’ll give you an extra entry.
Each of these gives you 5 additional entries:
1. Blog about this on your blog. Please give me the URL, so I can verify.
2. Add this to any forums you belong too. Please give me the URL, so I can verify.
3. Comment on another post on this blog. Let me know which one, so I can give you credit.
4. Subscribe to this blog using either my email or RSS feed
5. Add blm03 to any of your lists on Twitter.
6. Add my badge to your sidebar:
If this isn’t working, please let me know. For some reason, WordPress seems to be eating the code up when I post.
This contest will end at Feb. 12th at noon CST! Good Luck!
I really enjoyed the "Snowball Throwing" site…so funny! I learned, "No regulated playing fields. As I’ve said before, snow knows no boundaries and neither do snowball throwers." A direct quote from the expert and ace snowball athlete.
Thank you for a fun site and a super giveaway! 🙂
If you haven’t gotten enough snow this winter to make quality snowballs or you’ve been kicking it at the beach, now you can invite your friends to join you for an online snowball fight. Are your friends busy hitting the slopes? Log on and compete with people from all over the world.
If you are one of the lucky ones who have a backyard full of the snow, think of this as a competition simulator. Use this site to analyze the trajectory of your throws and play out your strategies prior to competition. Smart strategies equal more wins.
Twitter follower ky2here1.
I learned that snowballs must be hand-packed after the start of the competition!
I signed the petition!
I learned that IFST’s official mission is to have snowball throwing recognized as a legitimate sport.
Hand pack those snowballs!
I learned that it's not a problem if you don't have snow. There is a Snowball throwing game at
Actually, when I taught school we had indoor snowball fights, sometimes with marshmallows(no eating) and sometimes with wadded up newspaper.
The kids loved it.
I read about Snowball Making 101.
I learned that Coke is featuring winter sports on their current cans.
I learned coke is featuring winter coke cans. Thanks for the chance.
I learned that the IFST recommends constant training in varied conditions because there's no way to know how long a match will last. And I predict this will never be an Olympic sport, charming though this group is.
I learned that when making snowballs—size does count!
snowball rules: no ice, no yellow snow and no crying
I learned that training should be all day, every day! 🙂
You must hand pack the snowballs
I learned…There are two great things about throwing snowballs. It’s fun and it’s free
very nice
There are two great things about throwing snowballs. It’s fun and it’s free.
There is no crying in snowball throwing. If a preassigned judge spots a player crying in competitive snowball throwing, that player is automatically disqualified.
I signed the petition.
coke is featuring winter coke cans.thanks
I learned that pin trading is a big deal and as we know the International Federation of Snowball Throwing is a really big deal.
I learned that snowball throwing teams do not have to be equal in number as long as both teams agree to it before hand.
I signed the petition. Thank you! 🙂
No ice, no yellow snow, no crying!
haha guerrilla-style snowball gangs XD …"All snowballs must be hand-packed after the start of competition. Stockpiling snowballs in advance is a method used by guerrilla-style snowball gangs. The IFST advocates civilized, regulated snowball throwing."
I learned that crying (for any reason) during a snowball fight is means for disqualification! How sad! :p
Amanda Barnes
Required entry
Size matters. It must be big enough to make a substantial impact, but small enough to be thrown all the way across the park while you’re dodging behind a tree.
tnrina at gmail dot com
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tnrina at gmail dot com
Following blm03 on my twitter list.
tnrina at gmail dot com
😳 Join in on the Olympic fun by making your own snowballs and play a game at! Fun! Thanks!
I signed the petition and I learned that you are not suppose to use ice of yellow snow.
I learned how to make a proper snowball. There were examples of good and bad snowballs.
I tweeted
I signed the petition
i learned how to make a good and proper snowball
I learned size matters!
I learned that IFST’s official mission is to have snowball throwing recognized as a legitimate sport.
I learned that the IFST's official mission is to have snowball throwing recognized as a legitimate sport.
I learned No snow? No problem. Coca-Cola has created a snowball throwing game at 😐
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I learned there is a proper way to make a snow ball.
I tweeted
I learned that if you don't have snow (we have PLENTY where I live!) – you can go online because Coca-Cola has created a snowball throwing game at Genius. 😉
I signed the petition.
Slightly wet snow works best. It packs quickly, holds together during flight and explodes on impact temporarily paralyzing your competitor.
following on twitter klp1965
I learned that the IFST recommends constant training in varied conditions because there’s no way to know how long a match will last.
🙂 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂
Tweet tweet 🙂
I'm following your RSS feed via Google Reader
Lovely contest & I love the Olympics, especially Winter Games. I learned of Snowball Making 101
I tweeted, twitter id skyxsky27
I have signed the Petition!
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I learned that IFST’s official mission is to have snowball throwing recognized as a legitimate sport, thanks!
Coke is featuring winter sports on their cans.
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i signed the petition