I just caught on the news about the schools in Virginia that have closed down due to staph infections. The kids there are scared to go back to school. The superintendent did not believe that there was a problem until 4 students and a couple of parents took him around and showed him the condition of the rooms like the bathroom and such. The rooms you have to worry about the most with staph infections are the ones that were not, in the eyes of the students and parents, cleaned very well. The school district hired a cleaning crew to go in yesterday and clean all 21 schools (they gave the students a day off). The students and their parents are standing up for themselves and stating that this thorough cleaning needs to be done more often.
Stories like these scare me. As most of you know, I have two small children (3 and 4 months). An infection like this could very easily turn deadly for them. Madison is in preschool, so she could very easily bring this home. She also is a tomboy with a ton of scrapes and bruises all the time. Staph infections can be spread by:
- close skin-to-skin contact
- cuts in the skin
- contaminated surfaces and equipment
- poor personal hygiene
A preschool is a great breading ground for this. To calm my fears, I did find that there is a product on the market that will help you and your loved ones prevent staph infections. Staphaseptic is applied to any minor cuts, burns, or scrape you may have. It then kills the staph infection before it becomes full blown. When I was in college I got a staph infection, so I know how quickly it can turn from being an innocent little cut to a full blown infection with major problems. Not only does this product stop staph infections, but it also will stop any other germs from getting in there too.
I will be getting a tube of this product shortly. You can buy it at your local stores like CVS, or you can order it online too. I have talked to a couple people who have used it, and they all loved it. I think this is a product that you really to need to have on hand as we are heading into the winter season.
Yeah this stuff is very scary. I wrote a couple articles about it this morning. It seems like it could get really bad if they arn't careful.
If my kids weren't so little, I don't think I would worry as much. One of the kids who has dies so far was in high school, so it may not depend on how old you are.
Its very scary. My DD#3 who is 6 has a bad habit of picking at her cuts, and we are always putting band aids and cream on it, in hopes she will leave it alone. And we tell her all the time how they can get infected. Thanks for letting us know of this product, i never heard of it before.
Looks interesting, but I can't find anywhere on their site what their active ingredient is. 🙁 I'm going to have dh (a pediatrician who sees 4-5 MRSA abscesses a week) take a look at this product.
I have a tube! The active ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride 0.2% and Lidocaine HCI 2.5%. I have a son who plays football and I make him apply it to all his cuts and scrapes. He had a team mate who developed an infection recently and I am scared my son will also be affected by this because of the close contact they have in the locker room and on the field. So far this seems to be working great and I have heard from other parents they are using it as well.
I've been screaming about MRSA all year and I am glad it is finally getting the attention it needs. This is a serious issue. My daughter has had multiple outbreaks. I think it may have entered her system through raw spots from where she scratched at her eczema. It's literally everywhere these days.
We have kept a tube of Staphaseptic in the cabinet for a while now.