You know how there are products out there that make you smack your head when you encounter them, because you wonder why you didn’t come up with it? WedgEZ is one of those products. For any mother of young children, you need one of these. What WedgEZ helps you to remove those cumbersome electrical outlet covers that we all have in our houses. I personally can tell you that I have broken more nails trying to get those things out than doing anything else! As you can see from the picture, there is a nice little grip on it for you to hold. You then put the tip of the WedgEZ between the outlet and the plastic. As you are pushing it between the two, direct the handle towards the wall. The plastic plug will then start unplugging itself. On the other side of the handle, you can see some clips that will allow you to attach this wonderful product to your vacuum cord (or any other electrical appliance for that matter). I love that since it makes it ten times harder to lose (the fact that it’s orange helps too!). In my house, Madison has nicknamed this “The Chicken”. I am not sure why, but “The Chicken” has been extremely helpful here. My nails thank me every time I am pulling out those plastic plugs.
I have a baby shower coming up at the end of May, and this is one of the products I definitely will be getting for her. This is both a great tool for my home and to give as a gift.
That looks like a great product, I think we will need one very soon.
I am SO getting one of these! I detest prying those covers off to vacuum! Thanks!
@ Drew — You will 🙂
@ Kathy – Me too! I can't tell you how many nails I have broken trying to get those plugs out of my outlets.