I took Will in for his one year check up today. He was 24 lbs 5 oz and 30 1/2 inches long. From last time (which was about 3 months ago), he’s put on about 3 lbs and 2 inches. Yes, he’s a big, growing boy. Over the next couple of months, we have to wean him off the bottle, get him on all people food, and get him drinking milk. We have our work cut out for us. The doctor was impressed that he had met all his milestones and really impressed that he can walk and clap at the same time (I didn’t realize that this was a hard skill to master). He got 2 of the 3 vaccinations he was suppose to (they were out of the Chicken Pox vaccination due to a nationwide shortage). We go back in 3 months for his 15 month checkup.
All in all, everything went great!