Yes, we are on our way to New York. Yes, we have managed not to kill one another.
For those of you who don’t know, we are currently driving to New York with the kids. We left at 9 am yesterday morning and drove to Pennsylvania from Chicago. Yes, it’s about an 8 hour drive. We also stopped to eat and get gas, so that added another hour.
The kids have managed not to fight at all yesterday. (Well, that was until we got to the hotel).
Bill is in love with the Escalade.
The lumbar seats are phenomenal. It is amazing that you can drive 8 hours and not have your back hurt. Bill also loved the cooled seats. He drove 8 hours without a sweaty back. Having GPS was great. It is one of the best GPS programs we used. (None of that, turn left in 400 ft, It just told you where to turn!) The XM Satellite radio was pretty amazing too. ? However, one of my most favorite feature has to be this:
Yes, those are cooled cupholders. They literally keep your stuff as cool (or hot) as when you put your drink in them! The only killer part of the trip was the first gas fillup. This was for a half a tank:
The best comment had to be Will this morning — “this pool makes my butt shake!”. The pool was a whirlpool, and I couldn’t do anything else but giggle!
Well, Bill’s yelling at me right now, so we can get back on the road and get to New York! I’ll update again later!
Stop working and enjoy your vacation!!
The cooled cupholder would sell us on a car! We drink so much water and end up throwing water away because it gets hot. Enjoy the vacay!
Sounds like a great trip so far. Good luck with keeping everything together and everyone happy.
I give you credit! I don't know if my family would survive such a long road trip! LOL!
Have a safe trip!
Yikes on the gas! Have fun and I love the cup holders!
cooled cup holders?? where do i sign up???
Cooled cup holders!?! Awesome!
Yikes on the gas! Have fun and I love the cup holders!