Did you know that in 1858 they played baseball differently than we do today? I didn’t either. Here are a couple of different rules:
1. Baserunners were not allowed to steal, slide, lead off, or overrun first base.
2. Baserunners were allowed to run on anything — tagging up was not required.
3. Pitching was done underhanded.
4. There were no balls. Strikes were only called if the batter swung and missed.
5. The umpire did not call balls or strikes. He only determined if the batter got a hit or was out.
6. Fielders got an out by catching the ball in the air or “on the fly” (a one hopper)
7. After you scored, the runner had to tell the scorekeeper and ring a bell.
8. Infielders played about a foot off each base.
9. Players were fined for swearing, spitting, arguing with the ump, and displaying ungentlemanly behavior.
Boy, how things have changed.