If you have athletes in your house, you definitely need to look into getting some Cleatskins. This is one of those products that it is hard to believe no one has come up with before, because it is so genius. They are designed to fit over cleated shoes and quickly and conveniently take athletes from the field to the street. These fit over all types of cleats: baseball, soccer, football and more. I remember when I played soccer in high school, and I would have at least two pairs, if not three pairs, of shoes I brought school. I hated that after practice or a game, we always had to change into a different pair of schools. I know that this is something we will definitely be investing in when my kids get a tad older and are in sports. All of the floors in my house are real hardwood, and I will not have them marking it up. They also protecting your cleats from wear and tear, and are machine washable (that has to be a mom favorite right there!). It also creates a sealed barrier which keeps dirt and grass out of your home and car.
If you have an athlete in your family, this is the perfect Christmas gift. These come in a multitude of sizes and colors, so you should have no problem finding a Cleatskin for the favorite athlete in your life.
This is certainly cool looking stuf….wil check out…
These are a great idea. We used to get in so much trouble for wearing our cleats off the field!
My oldest daughter plays soccer and these would be so handy for going to and from the soccer field with. Will have to keep an eye open for them–thanks!
What will they think of next? Those are so cool looking. Now if I just had an athlete to give them to!