The shirt Will has on above is from swellfoop! and it has be one of my favorite T-shirts he owns. Not only does it have a cute design on it, It is one of the softest T-shirts he owns. All their shirts are 100% organic cotton, and I am not sure if that’s why it is soft. However, they do make adult T-shirts too, and I may have to order some in the adult sizes. I think it is great that we both could have matching shirts. I love that all of swellfoop’s shirts are made in the US. They also donate 10% of all their proceeds to environmental non-profits too. I love that by making a purchase I would have done anyway, I am helping save the environment. The animals that you find on all of the shirts represent fragile ecosystems across the planet. Now, Will’s shirt has a bush elephant on it. This elephant can grow up to 24 ft long and 13 ft high. It is featured, because of its habitat destruction and poaching. These elephants require 350 lbs of vegetation daily and with the habitats disappearing so is their food source. Their popular can only increase slowly due to 22 month gestation period. This elephant is threatened in many habitats. Like I said, each animal featured has its own story of why it is featured.
Swellfoop’s tshirts help some very good causes which is great reason to get one. However, they are comfortable and stylish which is just another added benefit. If you want to help save the world, buying one of their unique gift ideas would definitely be a good start to that goal.