I’m calling a snow day. It is terrible here in Illinois. This is what my house looks like this morning:
Man, our morning was a real struggle. Tried to open the back door and ended up breaking it. The whole house is like an ice rink with about 4 inches of snow and freezing rain on top – quite the combo. We were glued to the traffic report early on, and Bill decided work ain’t happening today. The kicker? He left his laptop at the office and is trying to wing it from his cell. However, it’s better than trying to get to work, getting stuck in six hours of traffic, and still getting nothing done.
We had a mix of hail and snow hitting us simultaneously this morning. Talk about wild weather! We’re considering taking the kids out later to build a snowman, but this snow is more like chunks of ice so that it might be tricky. Winter adventures, right? ???? How long before it’s summer again? That can’t come soon enough on days like this.
If you’re looking to keep busy on your snow day, here’s how to make a melting snowman and how to build a snowman kit!
4 inches in Las Vegas too 😯
How cute. Your kids will have fun building a snowman.
Hey, I had Cheez Its for breakfast yesterday, too!
Do you have any pictures of the snow?
We had terrible freezing rain and snow here recently as well. So bad that nobody could even leave the house.
How cute. ……..