That is what my house feels like this week. I have so much to get done and no time to do it in. Here is a short list:
- New mattresses getting delivered tomorrow
- Need to clean bedroom for mattresses
- Need to clean rest of house while I am at it
- Do I need to clean under the bed?
- Need to look at all the Christmas presents I already bought and write them down.
- Wrap the Christmas presents that need to go to Green Bay with us
- Pack for Green Bay
- Go to chiropractor tonight
- Work on posts
- Freelance work
- Get up into the attic and pick out winter clothes that need to come downstairs
- Bring down Size 5 shirts for Madison since everything seems to short on her
- Put clothes that I am handing down to Kait in a bag to take to Green Bay
- Go to Best Buy and look at video cameras and iPod accessories that would allow us to play the iPod in the car speakers.
Ok, that’s what I can think of off the top of my head. You know, I may come back to this post and add things and strike them off as I do them. I am so smart sometimes. LOL 🙂