Chicken Count is a game for kids 4 and up. It doesn’t require any reading, so for us, it made it a lot easier for Madison to play. Your goal is to collect the most chickens by the chicken coop is built. It is pretty easy. You draw cards. If you get a chicken card, you keep it. If you get a chicken coop card, you pick a chicken coop piece and place it on the coop. If you draw a fox, you lose all your chicken cards. When the chicken coop has been built, the person with the most chicken cards wins. it is a pretty fast pace game, so it is great for this age group who have a short attention span. We had lots of giggles when we played this.
Where Do I Live? is a memory game. Your goal is to have the most pairs at the end. You try and turn over cards and match animals to their homes. For example, bee matches to beehives, house to a boy, and a pond to a frog. Not only is this game fun to play, it really opens a dialogue with your kids. You get to talk about all of these animals and their homes. This game is for kids 4 and up and doesn’t require any reading.
These two games are winners in our house. They are very age appropriate and have been played here quite a bit. We had lots of fun, and you will too.
Im loving the christmas countdown!